Wyatt Roberts

Slogan: In The Now

Wyatt Roberts is from Ocala, Florida, the “Horse Capital of the World.” He’s the second youngest of seven children, and, in line with the homeschooler stereotype, his family also owns a 15-passenger van. The child of the Florida State Coordinator, he doesn’t really remember not being involved with TeenPact, but he went to his first One Day State Class in 2016 and in 2020 attended his first Four Day Class. Since then, he’s been to eight alumni events, two of which were Congress, which remains his favorite event. He thoroughly enjoyed fulfilling the role of a lobbyist, expressing both his firm’s and his personal views on a variety of bills—sometimes bribing the legislators with a cup of coffee. He is looking forward to another year of Congress in 2024 as a lobbyist.

Wyatt loves to write and is working on several books, but he hasn’t published them yet. His favorite genre to read is science fiction, reading authors such as Asimov and Frank Herbert. When he’s not writing, he enjoys swing dancing and computer programming.

Vision Statement: "All actions, no matter how small or mundane, can be done to honor God. You don’t need to be in a foreign land to spread the gospel. You can make a difference here, where you are, in the now. 1 Corinthians 10:31 encapsulates the message that every aspect of our lives should reflect our faith and praise for God. Mission work and the spread of the gospel are not confined to distant lands or strenuous circumstances. Instead, it’s about making a difference in one’s immediate environment—whether it’s at home, school, or within the local community. Our worship and service to God are not limited by time or place. The gospel is applicable and needed everywhere, and all of us are called to be a witness of Christ’s love and truth in whatever, wherever, and whenever we are."

Social: (Instagram) https://www.instagram.com/wyatt.b.roberts


Jacob Redd


Isabella Yuen