TPN Today

TPN Today

Friday Newsletter | May 24, 2024

Live Updates

Once again, the last 24 hours have been filled with a number of exciting happenings in the elections realm. Yesterday afternoon, we had a chance to hear from the Representative and Senator candidates in the General open forums. Each addressed the TeenPact Nation as a whole with their message and purpose in running, hoping to sway voters in their favor as the time for the TeenPact Nation to cast their ballots drew closer. As the day progressed, voters once again found themselves in the Conn Center, listening to the second part of the debates, this time with the presidential candidates standing and speaking on behalf of their ticket. Yesterday evening, event attendees of all kinds; from students to simply spectators, swarmed the three party polling locations to cast their votes for the ticket.

A Word from the Candidates

The influence the tickets had on the voters impacted ballots in various ways. One voter remarked when interviewed: “Debate performances are a big one for me. That can sway my vote a lot, just based on how they present themselves, how well they would represent the nation. Those performances changed my view of some of the tickets.” 

Another, when asked what happened affecting his vote said of the ticket he cast his ballot for “I'd never even heard of them, really. [What changed was] the way they spoke on stage, they spoke well and in a friendly manner.”

Looking Forward

Tonight is the most exciting night in elections, as ballots are counted and the results of this years elections are announced on stage. Candidates will be spotlighted in their progress in the election. State by state, presidential results will be released, and as the presidential results trickle in, the senatorial and representative elects will be announced by the amount of support they garnered in the election. After days of electric anticipation and steady intensification, we will finally be faced with the results of this years election… and will see standing together the faces of those who will be representing the TeenPact nation for the coming year. Tune in to the broadcast to see live results!

TPN Today

Thursday Newsletter | May 23, 2024

Live Updates

What a wild last few hours we have had! Yesterday, after wrapping up a full day with elections between presidential primaries, voting, and election announcements, attention turned to the general elections. Just a bit after the conclusion of the primary elections, we witnessed the commencement of the generals with the Vice Presidential debates. The primaries yielded exciting, unforeseen results, with Blake/Kramer, Strozier/Jackson, and Hutto/Hutto triumphing in Compassion, Perseverance, and Vision respectively. Garrett Kramer, Joseph Jackson, and Brink Hutto faced off, arguing policy issues and addressing the strengths and weaknesses of their ticket, heart for TeenPact, and stated stances. The teams were up close and personal during the Press Conference at Coffeehouse, where the voters were able to ask a series of questions of one member of each ticket on policy, leadership qualification, and several other pertinent topics.

A Word from the Candidates

The TeenPact Network Reporters hit the polling stations immediately before voting took place for the primaries, interviewing a series of voters on the factors contributing to their vote and whether or not their vote was swayed in any way. 

One voter, when asked the key areas contributing to her decision on whom to cast a ballot for, stated that teamwork is key. “Honestly, the way they work together is important to me. I love seeing the dynamics between the two candidates and seeing how they work together because obviously, that's important in a presidential ticket. Their love for the Lord is also a huge one.”

Another, when asked a similar question, emphasized that their presence in front of people is key, that  “the way they speak on stage, what they stand for [determines his vote].”

Looking Forward

This afternoon we will see the nominees from the three parties in the representative and senatorial races address the TeenPact Nation, each giving a brief speech on their message and campaign. Later today, the presidential tickets face off against one another in the three-way debate. This is a long-awaited opportunity for the parties to display their speaking abilities and dynamic personalities, as well as to discuss and rebut the finer points of the issues at hand, as stated in their press releases in advance of the week. The election events of the day will come to a close with the general election voting, in which students, staff, chaperones, and absentee voters alike participate in deciding which presidential ticket will represent the TeenPact Nation, and which senators and representatives will serve alongside them and under them.

TPN Today

Wednesday Newsletter | May 22, 2024

Live Updates

Good morning and happy Wednesday members of the TeenPact electorate! Yesterday we observed representative and senatorial candidates from the Compassion, Perseverance, and Vision parties present themselves to their voting bases in primaries. This morning we will hear from the presidential tickets from each respective party. Event polling data reflects that the disparity of support in the Perseverance Party between the two top tickets is only 1%. In the Vision Party and Compassion Party, every ticket shares similar professed support. With the presidential races in each party looking tight, we can only speculate as to who will compete in tonight's Vice Presidential Debate. What we can know for sure is that this is truly anyone's race.

A Word from the Candidates

Vice Presidential Candidate Elizabeth May states that, “we're just excited to share our message and head into primaries… we're excited just to let the Perseverance Party get to know us and to do our best.”

Looking Forward

Today is a packed day when it comes to elections! This morning, we will finish primary elections as we hear from the presidential tickets vying to face off in generals. After witnessing those tight competitions in primaries today, elections are largely up in the air, with 76% of individuals reporting that they have not decided on a presidential ticket. This massive pool of undecided voters means that presidential tickets will have to make a convincing appeal through their debate performance and personal interactions. We will all watch and wait as we anticipate tonight's Vice Presidential Debate!

TPN Today

Tuesday Newsletter | May 21, 2024

Live Updates

The 2024 election has begun! As candidates and voters have settled in at Lee University and are eager to experience the first full day of National Convention, it is impossible to ignore the buzz and chatter surrounding who will next represent the TeenPact Nation. The Elections Hall is filled with tables bearing posters, stickers, merchandise, and literature that detail information about their respective candidates. Voters have the opportunity to peruse and learn more about the individuals seeking to secure positions on next year's administration. 100 people from around the nation have declared candidacy, but only 45 will advance out of primaries. The representative races in perseverance, vision, and compassion will be tight. As you anticipate the events over the next four days, take time to acquaint yourself with the candidates vying to represent you as a member of the electorate.

A Word from the Candidates

Your reporters from TeenPact Network News went on the streets to ask candidates if they had any words for the voters:

Keely Resso, Senatorial Candidate, stated; “Meet as many people as you can. Try to have conversations with candidates and also anyone you can on campus. They have a message they want to share with you, yes, but they want to meet you as a person first.” 

Skyler Wassel, Representative Candidate, echoed that saying “you will] get the opportunity to listen to so many candidates… look to hear them share their heart as they share their goal for the campaign.”

Sam Shirk, Presidential Candidate, said that “Our momentum going into this week is going well… but name recognition isn't everything… we're excited to just meet people, introduce ourselves, and to grow a community around our message and the words put on our hearts… if anything, our friendliness to people and being real people will ultimately help push us through primaries.”

Looking Forward

The action begins in hours as candidates prepare to face off in the Primary elections this afternoon. Three contentious races will occur: a two-way battle in the Compassion Party, and three-part struggles in the Perseverance and Vision Parties. The stakes are high and the race is extremely close, with polling indicating voters are still uncertain where to cast their ballots. In the Vision Party, the tickets currently spread only 20 votes. Senatorial and Representative Candidates have begun their campaigning, spreading out to meet and interact with fellow students as an assortment of vans, cars, and buses dropped voters at their respective halls. Later today, the candidates will be at their tables, looking to meet you as you decide who to cast your ballot for in Primaries. Be sure to drop by and meet those bidding for a seat representing you this coming year.