Isabella Yuen

Slogan: Peace in His Presence

Hi everyone! My name is Isabella Yuen and I am from Rocklin, California! I recently graduated from Classical Conversations and have started working on my college degree in Digital Communications and Design with a focus in Media Marketing. I also love photography and hope to use my degree and talent to have my own events planning business when I am older. In my free time I love to read (historical fiction), paint, sing, and hang out with friends. I’m super excited to be running this year and cannot wait to meet all of y’all and see what the Lord has in store!

Some of you might remember my campaign last year when I ran with the message of “Learn on the mountain to lead in the valley", with the intention to show people that time spent on “mountaintops” should not be taken for granted and that we actually have a responsibility to lead others when we go back to our normal lives. 

This year I wanted to build off of that a little more and really focus on having peace and faith in God. My message this year is “Peace in His Presence” and this message is set within the time you might spend in a spiritual “valley”.

The verse this message is founded around is Romans 15:13 which says “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

There is supernatural peace that comes from trusting God and surrendering to Him, and I hope you can remember to rest in that peace and realize that you don’t have to worry because God will work things out of the good of His good will. 

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Wyatt Roberts