Jacob Redd

Slogan: "Sow Before You Reap"

Howdy! I'm Jacob, your average 17 year old dude from Peachtree Corners, Georgia. I'm the oldest of 5 siblings, I've attended Classical Conversations since First grade, and I just finished Challenge III a few weeks ago. I feel most alive in the water: I'm on swim team and I'll be a third year lifeguard this summer. My other favorite activities are drinking Dr Pepper, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and camping with my Trail Life troop. My favorite activity, however, is the study and discussion of God's Word. Seriously, if you find me roaming the Lee University campus, don't be afraid to ask me some hard questions! My favorite verse(s) is (are?) Philippians 4:6-7; you should go look that up and read it, I find it so comforting. Speaking of reading and comfort, I LOVE books. My favorite genres are historical fiction and sports non-fiction, although my absolute favorite book is fiction: Tolkien's The Hobbit. That's all I've got to say about myself, I hope to meet you at National Convention! Remember, my last name is Redd, spelled like the color but with an extra “D” because I’ll "D"eliver.

As briefly mentioned in my bio, theology is a favorite topic of mine, but it is useless if not put into action. The message of my campaign is to "Sow Before You Reap." Briefly, this means taking any opportunity to get a non-believer thinking about God or considering their own beliefs. Not every conversation will naturally lead to a gospel presentation, and that is OKAY. Instead of artificially forcing it towards the gospel, ask good questions and get the other person thinking. Leave a stone in their shoe, something that bugs them. And if it seems like a seed has already been sown in their mind, water it by answering any questions they might have. You’ll have opportunities to reap, but some opportunities are simply for sowing. "For here the saying holds true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’" John 4:37

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redd4repp2024/


Levi Krause


Wyatt Roberts