Will Miller

Slogan: Dust of the Rabbi

My name is Will Miller and I am thrilled to be running for senator at National Convention this year! I live and have been raised with my 4 other siblings in the lovely state of North Carolina. I enjoy playing soccer, listening to podcasts, wakeboarding, hanging out with the family, and serving with TeenPact! To say that I am excited to be running for office this year is an understatement. Through TeenPact, the Lord has changed my life and as I journey with Him I cannot help but be astonished at His beauty. As a Christ-follower, my primary goal in running for Senator is to bring glory to Christ alone! My prayer is that the Lord would use this campaign to magnify himself and that through our pursuit of him, the world would be changed. I am incredibly grateful and thankful for your support!

The message that the Lord has put on my heart to share is entitled Dust of the Rabbi. When Jesus walked the earth, disciples encouraged each other to be covered in the dust of their Rabbi. Meaning they were to follow so closely that even the very dust that the rabbi kicked up from the road would blanket the ones following. This is our call as christians. We are to follow Christ so closely that WHO HE IS cannot help but rub off on us. As Christ-followers, we are to be students who are not only saved by Christ but students who also have a resolve to live like Christ. My message is a call to action for Christians to throw aside complacency and to wholeheartedly chase after the Lord. Will you heed the call and be covered in the Dust of the Rabbi?






Josh Miller


Davi Oliveria