Davi Oliveria

Slogan: “Nothing but the Truth”

Lately, I’ve seen a lot of division in the TeenPact community over doctrine issues. Some of these disagreements are over insignificant issues like Old Testament traditions, while others are over more major issues, like predestination.

What we need to remember as Christians is that regardless of doctrine or denomination, nearly all of us have the same desire— the desire to be right in God’s eyes. To see the Bible as God meant it to be. We all desire nothing but the truth. Something we often overlook, sadly.

As Christians, we must pursue truth. To see the Bible as God does. To fully understand. What’s more, we must also collaborate in this process! Therefore, friends, we shouldn’t waste our time in close-minded, often heated debates. They don’t get anywhere. Instead, we should unite and show impartiality. Only then can we ever find the truth, the whole truth, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. 

Hey all! My name is Davi Oliveira, and I’m excited to announce that I am running for Senate this coming NatCon! It would be an honor like no other to serve you all as senator! Here’s some things you should know about me. I came to the US from Brazil in 2014, and as of 2018, I’m currently living in the town of New Rochelle, NY. I love drawing and stories (and writing them), but most of all, I am a follower of Christ. Running this year, I have only two goals. My first goal is to share a, message with the TeenPact Nation, to encourage open-mindedness and diversity. My second goal is just to have fun while running. At the end of the day, I don’t run to win, because truthfully, any outcome is a win in my book! I don’t see elections as a race, but as a marathon. 

Looking forward to meeting you all this year! Feel free to reach out to me via GroupMe, or just find me at NatCon! I love hanging out at Election Hall and Alumni Park.

GroupMe Link: 



Will Miller


Caleb Sartor