Josh Miller

Slogan: illuminate 

What’s up, TeenPact Nation!?! My name is Josh Miller, and I am so incredibly hyped to be running for senate this year at NATCON. I am from the great state of North Carolina and have been involved with TeenPact for six years. I am 16 going on 17 (if you didn’t think of the Sound of Music when you read that, go watch it now), and I love to play the piano, write songs, play football, and hike. I’m also a debate coach for my local Stoa club so if you ever just want to argue about something—I got you. Fun fact about me, I am related to a famous 21st-century singer…if you want to know who, come up and meet me at NATCON! 

TeenPacters have so much potential…yet we waste it. For many of us, our lives consist of school, hanging out with friends, and figuring out what fun event we have next. And we do that again, and again….and again. WHAT ARE WE DOING? It is time for us, the future generation, tomorrow’s leaders, to stand up today. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus commands us to be a city on a hill and a lamp on a stool. We are called to shine the light of Christ into the darkness of the world. But we can’t be a city on a hill or a lamp on a stool unless we STAND UP. We must climb the hill and be completely exposed but completely surrendered. We need to be a positive example in the world. It is time for us, the Christian youth, to be different. It is time to stand up and illuminate.




Macy McMillian


Will Miller