Lainey Edmonds


Hey friends! My name is Lainey Edmonds and I’m running for Representative at National Convention this year. I’m a homeschooled high school sophomore and have been a Classical Conversations student for 11 years. I grew up in Nashville, but now I live in Alabama. At 13, I started my unconventional sports which are reformer Pilates and Equestrian horseback riding. I am currently doing dual enrollment with the University of Alabama (roll tide), and can’t wait to attend college there! A fun fact about me is that Lainey isn’t my real name. about me is that I have Friedrich’s Ataxia, a progressive genetic disorder, that affects my coordination and balance. I absolutely love meeting new people and talking, part of the reason I love NatCon!

My vision statement is RENAMED which is derived from Genesis 17: 5-10, 15-16. in this passage, we see Abram and Sarai renamed by God to Abraham and Sarah. A part of the significance is how God gave these two people a new personal identity founded by Himself. This reminds us that our personal identity is not founded in any worldly thing, but is instead rooted in the identity of Christ. As Christians, we have joy the fact that we no longer have to hold ourselves to unrealistic standard of finding a false name in the world, but are now renamed by the enternal and everlasting Father. In conclusion, if we are renamed by the Father, we are to find our joy and strength in it. 

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Greyson Davis


Joshua Kirkdorffer