Greyson Davis

Slogan: "Flames of Faith"

Hello TeenPact Nation! My name is Greyson Davis and I am running for representative in the Vision Party at this year's TennPact National Convention!

Some back history on me, I was born in Jacksonville, Florida and I am seventeen years old. I currently live in Saint Marys, Georgia. I love music, exploring my river town, and getting to meet new people.

I have had the privilege to attend the last three Georgia state classes in 2022, 2023, and 2024. I have been elected to every position, including the honor of being elected state class Governor earlier this year. I attended National Convention last year where I was exposed to the national TeenPact community and where I met some of the most amazing individuals that I am honored to call my friends.

TeenPact not only has taught me skills in leadership, political process, and public speaking, but it also has most importantly taught me what it means to be a Christian. I was saved in early 2022 right before my first state class, and through participating in this organization, I continually experience love and encouragement through Christ and fellow believers.

VISION STATEMENT: For those who do not believe in Christ, being lost in dark places seems hopeless, where it seems that nothing can save them. But, for believers in Christ, we have the hope that even in the darkness, God still can help us persevere through.

Lost individuals and those who are doubting their salvation do not have that hope. It is our responsibility to share God's Good News and hope, so those who are struggling may find hope and light through Christ.

That is why I chose Matthew 5:14-16 and the motto for my campaign "Flames of Faith." We as Christians should not stand on the sidelines, but be burning lights that the world needs, especially in today's secular society. We need to be burning lights for Christ, and to show His light to those who are lost or doubting their salvation.




Caleb Sartor


Lainey Edmonds