Joshua Kirkdorffer

Hello there my name is Joshua Kirkdorffer. I'm from the humid state of Texas and I have been a part of TeenPact for five years, three of which I have attended the four day. I love writing songs, or listening to music, but you can find me most of the basketball court practicing. I have one older brother, Jonathan, and our beloved dog, Hazel. I am a CC kid, and I'm going into Challenge 2 next school year.

My slogan is STAND, based out of Ephesians 6:10-11.

As Christians, we sometimes feel a tremendous amount of pressure to go along with whatever our friends want us to do, either right or wrong. And some of us, not wanting to stand out, comply with the demand and hid their Christianity from their friends. But this is not the way it should be. As Christians, as followers of God, we are called to be a light in this dark world. We are to be a rose in the thornbush. We have all been called by God to spread the gospel: it's part of the great Commission. But we can't do that by hiding in the shadows and dimming our light. We can only do that by standing boldly for the truth, and letting our light shine before us as an example for some, and a legacy for others. Don't be scared of the world or what others think of us. Just Stand Strong.


Lainey Edmonds


Levi Krause