Macy McMillian

Slogan: Embrace the Uncomfortable

Hello everyone! My name is Macy McMillian, and I am so excited to be running for senator this year at National Convention!

As for a little bit about me, I live in the fantastic state of Texas, where I have grown up my whole life. I am one of four kids in my family; I have an older sister and two younger brothers- being a middle child is great! And I have been involved with TeenPact for eight years now. 

I love horses and spend most of my free time at the barn either riding or hanging out with my horse, Champion. I currently work at a cute little tack store and love it so much! 

When I’m not at the barn, I typically can be found working on some type of film project. Storytelling is something that I’ve been passionate about for many years and stopmotion animations are my preferred medium. Any chance I have to work on a bigger movie-type project is always my first choice! 

I can’t wait to get to know you all better, or if we haven’t met yet, come say hi! I genuinely would love to meet you! See y’all at NatCon!!

What does it mean to embrace the uncomfortable for the sake of the gospel in our daily lives?

2 Corinthians 4 talks about how as believers the Lord has equipped us each with a light for us to go out and share the hope we have in Christ with the world.

We in ourselves are broken and fragile beings, but the Lord chooses to use us as instruments to further His kingdom.

We share the gospel with others because we believe, and because we believe, we have no reason to fear! When we don’t have the words to say, the Lord is faithful to use us for His glory. 

When we are presented with opportunities to share the love of the Lord with people around us, we can boldly obey, relying on Him for the strength and the words to speak, so that Christ may be glorified through our actions!




Jeremie-Pierre Maceno


Josh Miller