Caleb Sartor

“Actions, Not Words”

Greetings everyone! I’m Caleb Sartor from the far underrated state of Alabama. With three sisters, I’m the 2nd oldest at age 16. Various hobbies of mine include chess, biking, the gym, reading, music, enlightening my brain, etc.

You usually hear about the Teenpacters who were “dragged to their first state class…” but I was not one of those kids. After learning about Teenpact, I was excited to attend (I even enjoyed the homework) but did not fully know what to expect. I left my first class in 2022 changed. I liked the practical emphasis on the knowledge and wisdom I learned; as well as the application not only within the program, but in daily life. Loving the program, I attended Natcon 22’, next year’s state class, Natcon 23’… you get the gist. 

I’m excited to be running for senator at Natcon this year, but honestly, I’m more excited for the people. Meeting new folks and seeing old friends is always a highlight of Natcon for me. Whether it be having spiritual conversations, conversing with brothers in rendezvous, hanging out with one of the 10,000 Floridians, or meeting people at a lunch table, y’all make the week a great one.

I’m running with the message of “Actions, Not Words”. Whether it be our politicians, the church or everyday citizens, I see plenty of words, but a lack of action. If we know people who are unsaved; if there are problems facing the nation; if society is increasingly secularized, why don’t we do something about it? My slogan is simply a universal call for good actions to accompany our good words.

In addition to sharing this slogan with the student body, I’m running to stretch myself. Running for representative last year was a blast. It taught me much and made me do some uncomfortable things that developed me. To be transparent, these elections have often become popularity contests on who can preach the best… and I’m not interested in partaking in that. My goals are simply to encourage the student body, step outside my comfort zone, and make a few friends along the way.

For a little more information about my message and goals:


Davi Oliveria


Greyson Davis