Grace Franklin

Slogan: Grace Franklin // “Fear Not” // Isaiah 41:10

Teenpact Nation!! What is up! For those of you who do not know me my name is Grace Franklin, and I am from Franklin, Tennessee! I have been a part of TeenPact for about 9 years and am so blessed by everyone I have met during my time!

The message that I am running with this year is “Fear Not”. So many of us are entering and exiting different chapters in our life, some big, some small. Some of us may have just completed their first year of highschool, it seems scary, you don’t know what to do, you don’t know if you’re going to make friends, you’re fearful and anxious. Some of us may have just graduated highschool, now we’re going off to college, moving away from home, entering a chapter where we’re completely independent and leaving the home we’ve always known. There are so many scenarios and worldly things that we fear! Or find ourselves anxious! But in Isaiah 41:10 God says “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Vision statement:

My vision for TeenPact as I am running to be one of your next National Student Body Senators is to live out the light of Christ while Changing Lives to Change the World! I am running to spread the good news of our Savior! As well as I am running to get to represent each and everyone of you! TeenPact has changed my life and I want to help continue to change others lives for Christ!! 



Malachi Southerland + Joy Southerland


Anna Catherine Hammett