Zeke Harper

Slogan: Hold Fast

Hello everyone! My name is Zeke Harper, and I'm excited to be running for Representative in the Perseverance Party at National Convention this year! I live in Woodstock, Georgia, and a few of the things I love are reading, writing, playing music, board games, being outside, and talking for hours about politics and theology. You might say that I'm facetiously perspicacious, but then again that's a pretty narrow description :). Some things you should know about me are that I have attended Classical Conversations for my entire life; I am the second oldest, and oldest boy, of 8 siblings; and I am in Trail Life, and working on earning the Freedom award, the highest award in the program. I'm super excited to be running at NatCon this year, and I'd love to hang out with you, whether during meals, in the election hall by my table, at coffehouse, or any other time! One of my goals is to get a selfie with every single person attending, so I'd love it if you could find me sometime during the week!

The message that I decided to share this year is Hold Fast. The modern world is full of uncertainty, but through the chaos we know that as Christians we have things to anchor to, such as God; Joshua 23:8 says, “But you are to Hold Fast to the LORD your God, as you have until now,” and our faith; Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us Hold Fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” As long as we remember these Truths, and Hold Fast to them, we will be able to navigate the uncertain waters of life. I can't wait to share more of it with you, and I hope that this message carries with you long after NatCon, so that you can declare that there is Hope in the Storm and He is Faithful, and to always remember to Hold Fast.

Here is the link to my GroupMe chat, I'd love it if you joined! https://groupme.com/join_group/100114397/gAsuv8i0


Abigail Esch


Coen Hefley