Abigail Esch

Slogan: Esch for Excellence

Hello fellow TeenPact students near and far! My name is Abigail Esch. I’m a Christ-follower, and I am running for TeenPact Representative 2024! I’m 14, and I hail from the great state of Maryland. I’m a proud Classical Conversations student, and I also enjoy music, basketball, and martial arts. I have a passion for outreach- I’m actually the outreach purpose advocate at my church, and I’ve loved participating in our new strategy of canvassing the neighborhoods nearby before we do any big events. I attended my first four-day class in 2023, and I was blessed with the opportunity to be a news anchor at Congress last summer on the reporter’s track. This is my first year at NatCon, and I’m so excited to see how the Lord will move this week! 

My message this year comes from Revelation 3:15-16: “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm- neither cold nor hot- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Apathy is a huge problem in the church today, and especially in our generation. Many of us claim to be Christians, go to church every Sunday, say all the right things, and maybe even read our Bibles every day, but we lack any real passion for Jesus. This is exactly what Jesus warns us against! As my former pastor put it, we have been vaccinated with mild Christianity, so that we can avoid getting the real thing. But Jesus wants us to get the real thing! So don’t be lukewarm- be on fire.


Samara Brown


Zeke Harper