Coen Hefley

Slogan: Set your mind on things of life and excellence!

I am Coen Hefley, and I currently live in central Texas. Since I can’t meet you yet, I think that the next best way for you to get to know me is for me to share a few of the things most important to me. First, God (as expected). Finding a true relationship with God has been central to my story, but I also enjoy having good discussions on the practical and intellectual sides of theology. If you meet me at NatCon, feel free to start a discussion about anything theological! Second, family. I am the oldest of 4 brothers, and we always seem to be finding something to do, which leads me to the third thing: the outdoors. Along with my family, I love spending time in God’s creation, whether it be hiking, camping, or playing a game. Finally, learning. In school I enjoyed studying STEM subjects, but I have also learned to enjoy more abstract studies like history, philosophy, or literature (I have even developed a hobby of photography despite my artistic inability). This has to be short, but, if we have a chance to talk longer at NatCon, I’d love to share more of my story! 

My goals for this campaign revolve around the message. My message is something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently. Sometimes I try to face sin in my life with mere discipline, but whenever I inevitably fail, it often brings me to notice that the root issue is my focus on the Bible. The Bible is full of lifegiving (John 15; Psalm 1) and excellent (Phil. 4) ideas. Even when I regularly read the Bible I sometimes forget to focus on things of life and excellence. My conviction is that we cannot bear fruit ourselves; we must set our focus first. I have already seen the way I have been convicted and encouraged by this message, and my vision for this campaign is that it touches others in the same way! 

“May we live so all might see, the strength to follow His commands, could never come from me!”

Feel free to join this group chat for more information!


Zeke Harper


Nate Holmberg