Sara Averett

My name is Sara Averett, I am from Shiloh IL, and I LOVE hymns. This is my first year in TeenPact and I am super excited to see what God has in store for this campaign! I was born again around the same time we started a church plant about three years ago and have enjoyed being able to flourish and grow in unity together. From this church, God has surrounded me with a group of God-fearing people who continuously pour into me and encourage me in scripture. God has given me a love for reading and studying Puritanism and through these writings I have learned so much about the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice, His high priesthood, my adoption, regeneration by the Spirit, and justification as they find their foundation in scripture. I am so thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit who conforms me to the image of Christ and teaches me all things. I was so used to being the person who avoided everything and am now so grateful that the Spirit has shown me the joy found in fellowship with His saints and how important it is to be able to encourage one another. 

“Born Again Ready” is not a question but a statement! From the moment you were indwelt by the Holy Spirit He has been living through you, knitting your heart to God, and conforming you to the image of Christ. You have the same Spirit living in you as the Church Fathers, the Reformers, and the Puritans who still have a prominent effect on our church today. What are we doing with the religious freedom they labored so tirelessly to obtain? We, as God’s holy nation, should be striving to restore societal order starting with the church. If we want a redeemed nation, we ought to live like a redeemed nation, walking by the Spirit. Christian, the power that raised Jesus from the grave to triumph over death can surely bring you from your comfort zone to triumph over fear for the sake of His kingdom and glory!

Soli Deo Gloria



Kaelyn Shepherd


Samara Brown