Samara Brown

Hey everyone! My name is Samara Brown from Snellville, Georgia! I am 3rd out of 6 children and 3 foster children. Some of my favorite things are ultimate frisbee, orange juice, deep conversations, and getting to know people! I am running with the question of "What's Your Message?" based on 2 Corinthians 5:19-20 ESV. I want to challenge and encourage everyone in Teenpact to consider the message that each of us is sharing in the way that we act, the things that we say, and the choices we make! As Believers, the message that we send should be based in love, holiness, and most importantly the Gospel. Jesus came down to save us from our sins because we could not save ourselves, and He died in our place giving us His righteousness. Because of this we can have a right relationship with God and live eternally with Him. We as Christians should be sending this message in our everyday lives. I cannot wait to meet you all at Natcon! While there, feel free to stop by my campaign table! I'll also have some great merch that you might want to check out! Also come talk to me, I would love to have a conversation with you! Here are links to my Instagram and

Groupme:  and  I can't wait to see yall! :)


Sara Averett


Abigail Esch