Kaelyn Shepherd


Hello everyone! My name is Kaelyn Shepherd, and I am beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to run for senator at National Convention! I reside in the state of Iowa, and can often be found playing sports, strumming my guitar, exploring God’s creation, or planning my next traveling adventure. I am passionate about serving others and encouraging them to live confidently for Christ.

In a world full of uncertainty, confusion, and distortion of identity there is still hope to be found, true identity to secure, and clarity to capture. It all comes down to one word: CREATED. The God of the universe put immense thought into creating you, and yet so often we are blind and don’t recognize the intrinsic value we or others hold. In a world with so many voices there is only One of whom we should ask our value: our Creator! He tells us we are His creation, His workmanship, and His beloved. He crafted us for His glory and for a purpose. We must root our identity in the Creator rather than anything else, and know that our value is found in the God who loves us, died for us, and CREATED us.

TeenPact’s vision statement is “Changing Lives to Change the World.” How can we be world changers, society shapers, and light bearers to a dark world if we are not confident in our identity in Christ? The Lord calls us to live boldly for Him and work to change lives, but first we must let Him change ours. I’m not just running to win an office, I’m running so that I can challenge and encourage us as Christians to deeply root our identity in our Creator. That is why my campaign is focused on discovering who God CREATED us to be, and why we are studying the Word of God to find out more about who He says we are. If elected to serve as senator, my ambition is to challenge and inspire others to root their identity in Christ and live out their faith and God-given identity boldly, truly becoming world changers.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kaelyn.shepherd.for.senate

GroupMe: Kaelyn Shepherd for Senate


Elijah Saucer


Sara Averett