Nate Holmberg

Slogan: Hallelujah!

Hello everybody! My name is Nate Holmberg, and I was born and am being raised in the amazing state of Iowa! I absolutely love playing board games, such as Catan, Dominion, and Villainous, as well as sports like football, frisbee, and Pickleball! This was my fourth year involved with TeenPact and my third NatCon. This year, I was given the incredible opportunity to staff the Iowa 1 class with TeenPact. Through this experience, I was able to watch the Lord work in the hearts of students as well as fellow staffers. I also work as a counselor at East Iowa Bible Camp over the summers. This allows me to practice servant leadership so that the campers can grow closer to God through their experience at camp. I pray that my message this year will be used by the Lord to bring Glory to his name!

I’m running for Representative this year at NatCon with the message, “Hallelujah,” found in Revelation 19. In this passage, Hallelujah is used four times to praise God for 4 different things. The first time Hallelujah is mentioned, it refers to praising God for his saving power through the work of Jesus Christ. The second instance refers to praising God because he delivers us from evil and sin. The third mention of Hallelujah is a general call for everyone great and small to praise the Lord their God. The final mention of Hallelujah in Revelation 19 references God’s power and glory and rule. This passage in Revelation is a beautiful reminder that we should praise God in everything we do and will praise him for eternity in Heaven someday. Hallelujah!


Coen Hefley


Caleb Kamuiru