Caleb Kamuiru

Slogan: Refocus

Hey guys! My name is Caleb Kamuiru and I am SO SO excited to be running at National Convention this year! I hail from Michigan, in a small town called Flushing and I am 17 years old. Some things I love to do are: play guitar, listen to music, work out, and play basketball, soccer, and ultimate frisbee. 

My message for this campaign is REFOCUS. A call for us to reprioritize our lives for Christ in the midst of life’s myriad of distractions. Colossians 3:2 says set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Instead of focusing on the things of this world that will ultimately fade away, we should REFOCUS our minds to what really matters: our relationship with the Father.

My vision for this campaign is for God’s name glorified, and that I can be a light for Christ to anyone I encounter. Teenpact is a ministry that has a special place in my heart and has formed my life immensely, so my vision for Teenpact is that it can continue grow and continue to change lives. 

I can’t wait to see how the Lord uses this campaign and this week at NatCon for his glory!

See you soon!



Nate Holmberg


Sara Levin