Keely Resso

Slogan: Face to Face

Hi everyone! I’m Keely Resso, and I am from Sharpsburg, Georgia! I am one of the rare people in TeenPact that can sign the only child square, but with my disclaimer that I have two adopted older sisters from Poland who joined our family when I was nine! Some things I am passionate about are theology and the Bible, stories that reflect the True Story of the Gospel, and children’s ministry! My TeenPact story began in 2020, and I like to describe TeenPact as a catalyst that the Lord has repeatedly used in my life to encourage and renew my passion for following Christ! This is my third NatCon, and I am excited to be running for the first time and to share a message that the Lord has placed on my heart! I can’t wait to meet a bunch of y’all in a few short days!

FACE TO FACE has three parts:

1. We were created to meet with God face to face.

2. Jesus entered Creation to meet us face to face.

3. We are called to meet others face to face.

I pray this message will remind us that the Lord continually pursues us to be in relationship with Him and inspires us to use our conversations with others to meet them where they are and love them well. Foremost, I hope it helps equip you in sharing the Gospel through memorizing Titus 3:3-7 and the Gospel presentation resources on my GroupMe and Instagram!

Links to Social Accounts and/or Website: (@keely.resso.for.senate), (GroupMe)


Isaac Powers


Elijah Saucer