Elijah Saucer

My vision as a Christian and Conservative is to change our government, return to our forefathers' intentions, hold to our constitution, and stop the eroding of its values. Most importantly, I'd like to make changes in our government that are the will of God and glorify him to the fullest extent.

As Conservative Christians, we must not stand by anymore as our country withers away. The time for action is now. We must infiltrate our government and stop the radical left and progressives from deteriorating our country and values even further. My vision is to see a generation of Christian conservatives rise up, take the lead, and return our nation to its former ways, turn it to glorify God and have him as our firm foundation and rock to turn to in hard times. Despite what the media has told us, our country was founded on Christianity. We must turn to God and follow him. My vision as a Christian and Conservative is to change our government, return to our forefathers' intentions, hold to our constitution, and stop the eroding of its values. Most importantly, I'd like to make changes in our government that are the will of God and glorify him to the fullest extent.

As Conservative Christians, we must not stand by anymore as our country withers away. The time for action is now. We must infiltrate our government and stop the radical left and progressives from deteriorating our country and values even further. My vision is to see a generation of Christian conservatives rise up, take the lead, and return our nation to its former ways, turn it to glorify God and have him as our firm foundation and rock to turn to in hard times. Despite what the media has told us, our country was founded on Christianity. We must turn to God and follow him.

Hi, my name is Elijah Saucer and Iā€™m from Louisiana . Before I am a conservative, I am a follower of Christ, the true king and Lord of lords. I am conservative because I think it best aligns with Christian doctrine. I believe in absolute no exceptions for abortion. Murder is murder. I believe in a strong border because what is a country with no border? Ronald Regan stated, ''we are a country under God, and if we ever forget that, we will be a country gone under.'' To God, we must hold to because we are one nation under God, and to him, we must obey. I also believe in a strong military because if we can't defend ourselves and our allies, we will crumble like every other empire. I am a strong Second Amendment advocate because we must have firearms to protect ourselves from those who wish us harm, whether it be a tyrannical government or a murderous thief breaking into our homes. To leave you with one thing about me is this. I desperately want to change our government back to our forefather's intentions and hold to our constitution, as well as change it for the glory of God and do his will.


Keely Resso


Kaelyn Shepherd