Jude Hutto + Brink Hutto

Hey there! My name is Jude Hutto, and I am running for president with my twin brother Brink. We are from the football obsessed state of Alabama! As stated, me and my brother are twins, meaning we have both been in TeenPact for 5 years consecutively. Brink won governor of our state class once and I won twice in a row from the years 2021-2022. Both me and my brother have applied for staff every year since 2022, I had the pleasure of serving this year, and my brother was unfortunately not accepted, but we are not letting that stop us from leading in TeenPact. Me and my brother lead an unofficial recruiting team for Alabama which made week one, the week we always attend, have a progressive increase in students over the years. We are also both Eagle Scouts. 

Vision Statement:

Our campaign is not just a bid for votes; it's a call to action encapsulated in the phrase "TURN THE PAGE," inspired by the wisdom of Joshua 1:9. This message underscores the values of strength, courage, and unwavering trust in God's plan.

In a world constantly evolving, we recognize the need for improvement, and we symbolize this imperative with the metaphorical act of "turning the page." This signifies more than a simple transition; it represents a commitment to creating a meaningful impact. We firmly believe that these improvements can start with the effort we excel in and are propelled by the collective support of our peers and community.

The essence of our campaign lies in the profound verse from Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." These words encapsulate the pillars of our campaign — strength, courage, and faith. We draw inspiration from this scripture, believing that, with your support, we can embody these virtues and manifest improvement.

Furthermore, neither I nor my brother have travel staffed, applied for intern, or had the privilege of working with TeenPact, except this year I had the pleasure of staffing my state class. Year after year we have seen staffer after staffer win elections, I have been to NatCon four times and have never seen a student ticket win the presidential election. Our campaign’s goal is to glorify God with all that we do, but our second goal is to inspire other students to run, and maybe our success will do just that. 

As we get closer and closer to NatCon we pray that God will elect the right ticket, whether that is our ticket or not we accept the outcome, and hope God will “turn the page” for TeenPact.

You can support our campaign by joining our groupme, following our insta, and pre ordering our merch. The links below are to all of those

Groupme: https://groupme.com/join_group/98888985/moJilF7c

Instagram: huttos_for_president_2024

Preorder Merch (Only if attending NatCon) : https://forms.gle/dyvXsaLJx6VJUGnA8


Sam Shirk + Ainsley Lafferty