
The United States was created for the people. Through the years, we have established culture, language, and traditions - each a trademark of who we are as a country and citizenry and the uniting factor in a very diverse population. That is why it is imperative for us to stick to our roots and support the people who make up this great nation. Excess immigration and the border crisis have taken so much from citizens. The government’s focus on foreign countries and supporting their citizens harms the U.S. and her people. We have cared more for the well-being of other nations, that our own is suffering to the point the very land we walk on has been neglected. It’s time to take it back.

The Strozier/Jackson campaign in accordance with the Perseverance Party believes that, for the United States to thrive, the citizens must be the focus. This value establishes the basis for the following stances.

Foreign Aid: With current foreign aid spending upward of $61 billion, Americans are hurting. The United States, having received no aid in return, must find other ways to maintain allyship with other countries. Strictly offering foreign aid to nations that will contribute in return will ensure that the United States receives the benefits of foreign relations. Benefits should include trade deals, military alliances, and influence in national affairs. Aid should be beneficial to both parties, but we ultimately must keep the interests of American citizens our priority.

Immigration: Reaching a historical high, illegal immigration in 2023 saw around 2.5 million encounters at the Mexico border. Story after story has surfaced of criminal behavior from illegal immigrants, reflecting a need for stricter immigration policy. The benefits of immigration, though existent, are significantly outweighed by the disadvantages. Over 50% of immigrant households (both legal and illegal) utilize one or more national welfare programs. Limiting immigration to members who can contribute to society will set the United States citizens and immigrants up for success, ensuring that the resources that the US has are not wasted. 

Climate Change: The US has been blessed with an incredibly diverse and resourceful land. It is up to us to protect the resources we have for the benefit of the nation. Utilizing our natural gas and oil reservoirs will give citizens greater freedom from foreign interference, but it is necessary to balance the use with the protection. Government policy to encourage natural spaces and national parks is vital to it’s preservation. Restricting corporations through standards that minimize the environmental impact of drilling can reduce the overuse of resources and further protect the habitat. Supporting more renewable energy resources as an alternative without hindering other supplies can effectively keep our natural world thriving.

The United States is a government that should keep the citizens at the forefront. Limiting national authority will allow the people to succeed and keep the US as a global power. All for the benefit of the citizenry.



