
Hutto / Hutto for President

Press Release

to the TeenPact News Network

All issues on a political scale must be viewed through the scope of Individual Liberty under the authority of God-Given Human Rights. This idea is the fundamental principle through which the United States was founded, that the Individual is the conduit through which Humanity has value. Therefore any interest the United States shows in any topic must neither violate our commitment to upholding the sanctity of the Individual as the Image of God nor trample upon the Rights they derive from Him. 

The Government’s role in providing Foreign Aid depends on how that country values the individual and how the aid they receive will better enforce the rights of the Individual. To begin, the United States should only send aid to countries in the form of actual goods and not cash. Throwing money at the issue will not solve it. Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan don’t need money. Ukraine needs humanitarian aid, Israel needs missiles, and Taiwan needs naval protection. Likewise, if the aid the U.S. provides to a nation isn’t directly benefiting the U.S. then it should not be a gift, it should be a loan that is expected to be paid back. Measures like these keep government spending in check by specifying and providing for the individual needs of a country, which better provides for the needs of the individual person living there, which is of chief importance.

The Government’s role in addressing Climate Change depends on how its solutions will protect and benefit the individual. Reducing emissions cannot come at the cost of the individual’s fundamental security and prosperity. To this end, we cannot mitigate climate change by treating it as an apocalyptic emergency. One, because it isn’t, and two, because that would require putting a halt on the free market, punishing hardest those barely able to get by. If the United Nations put more time into researching how to increase individual wealth and less time threatening the countries lifted from poverty by oil sales, they would use efficient solutions that cost nothing compared to what they spend, solutions that already exist. Ending poverty has a negligible impact on global emissions and the doomsaying is telling people that we must get rid of the oil, coal, and air-conditioning countries use to survive. The solution is a counteractive, not an emergency, a reliance on clean energy can be achieved slowly, but it will only come by the innovation of individuals through the free market and not government intervention.

The Government’s role in regulating the process and practice of Immigration depends on an autonomous view of the individual. As people, Mexican immigrants who come to the U.S. undocumented stay that way for good. This exists for two reasons. One, entering the United States illegally is easier than entering legally, and two, undocumented immigrants have every incentive to never apply for citizenship. Keeping illegal immigrants from crossing in the first place means making it harder to cross illegally than legally. While this means building a wall, it also means better personalizing the process. Increasing the empowerment of immigration officers, agents, and judges will assess the cause of individual migrants, unlike a blanket policy like catch and release. Naturalizing immigrants, a chief priority, will first come with both a decrease in the scope of deportable crimes and the barring of applicants. Likewise, no person should be deported without a hearing before an immigration judge. These policies should effectively decrease illegal crossing and increase legal naturalization.



