Tyler Miller

Slogan: Give in Light of Eternity

My name is Tyler Miller and I am amped to be running for senate in the Perseverance Party! I am blessed to have been raised in the beautiful state of North Carolina and am proud to call it home. Some of my favorite activities include surfing, surfskating, hiking with friends, reading, and practicing guitar. A fun fact about me is that I once found myself surfing in a crime scene (yeah... ask me about that later). I am beyond excited to see how the Lord uses this campaign and I am truly grateful for your support!

Vision Statement: With today’s culture so focused on materialism and status, it can be easy to forget that all finances, time, talents, and spiritual gifts have been freely given to us as undeserved blessings from the Lord. Knowing this, we should use our resources to bless others out of love for Christ. Ultimately, it is wiser to invest in that which is eternal rather than to invest in that which is for temporary pleasure. My vision, which comes from Matthew 10:8, is to see the family of Christ passionate about bringing the gospel to the unreached people groups of the world by choosing to “Give in Light of Eternity.”

While I do not have any social media accounts for my campaign, I do have a newsletter which includes more details about my campaign. Here is the link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF8Ee_SqO0/t65mqvcH9lAtjX6pcVf6ow/view?utm_content=DAF8Ee_SqO0&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor


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