Evan Duncan + Elizabeth May

Hello TeenPact! My name is Evan Duncan and I currently reside in the sunny state of Arizona! As a military kid, I’ve lived in a variety of places, however, I attribute Beaufort, SC to be where I am from as we lived there the collective longest. Seven years ago, I attended my first One Day Class and have absolutely loved staffing with TeenPact. Meeting new people and traveling to new places is one of my favorite things to do! Other things I enjoy are: most any outdoor sports and activities, trap & skeet shooting, and bagpiping with local Pipe & Drum teams. I am also a huge fan of a variety of music and books!  I look forward to meeting you at Nat Con if I haven’t had the pleasure on a State Class! 

Hey everyone! My name is Elizabeth May, and I am thrilled to be running for Vice President with Evan Duncan. We are so excited to share the message “Seek Excellence” with the TeenPact nation. I was born and raised in central Texas, but I recently moved to Richmond, Virginia. I have two older brothers, and I have loved growing up with them playing sports and spending time on the gorgeous Texas lakes! Some of my favorite things to do are playing pickleball, reading, and wakeboarding. Excellence is a topic that the Lord has been teaching both Evan and I about these past few months, and I hope that it encourages others the way that it has encouraged me.

Excellence is something that should permeate every aspect of our lives.  That is exactly what our goal is in running for office: to pursue a Godly life with excellence. If elected, we will serve the TeenPact body with excellence– not through our own power, but with reliance on God’s power. Our end goal in running for the 2024 TeenPact Election is to proclaim God’s Word to as many people as possible by challenging Christians to live lives with excellence. We do this by seeking to live after Jesus Christ, who is perfect, and it is He who offers the most excellent example for us to follow. We seek to portray excellence in every part of our lives including how we run and in how we endeavor to serve TeenPact as President and Vice President.

Instagram @duncan.may.24


Alexander Dossmann + Isabella Mollenhour


Naomi Strozier + Joseph Jackson