Clark Bigler

Slogan: 2˚

Hey guys!

My name is Clark Bigler, & I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the most average city in America. I have 5 siblings, 2 dogs (Brock & Lucius), & a 3 year old beta fish, named Jacques (hat’s about 80 in fish years, for those of you wondering). I enjoy playing competitive tennis, speech & debate, rock climbing, & riding Lime Scooters around Tulsa with my friends. I began TeenPact when I was 13 and had not a clue even how to tie a tie. I attended as a student 3 times, & had the opportunity to serve on the Oklahoma 2 Staff Team this year. Over the years, TeenPact has grown me in in my faith, introduced me to many incredible people, pushed me out of my comfort zone, & yes, taught me to tie a tie. I’m so glad to have this opportunity to run for office!

Vision statement:

In 1947, a sightseeing flight of 257 passengers was flying over Antarctica to see the beautiful winter terrain. As they were flying very low, it was necessary to be careful in steering around the mountains. The pilots put exact coordinates into the system, and trusted that they would be guided through the clouds. However, their compass was just 2 degrees off. The plane ended up crashing into the side of the mountain and everyone on board was killed. I am running with the message “2 degrees.” It references this story about how the plane was just 2 degrees off from its course, and ended up crashing. As Christians, we have the responsibility to not only be faithful in the big decisions, but also in every small area of our life. Luke 16:10 says, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.” In our own lives we need to make sure that we aren’t 2 degrees off in our own faith, but that we are pointing our lives directly towards Christ and not a few degrees off. 



Naomi Strozier + Joseph Jackson


Dakota Lohrmann