
As Christians and someone in agreement with the Compassion Party’s stance, we believe in promoting policies that prioritize the well-being of individual citizens both domestically and internationally. The three critical areas where this stance manifests are foreign aid, immigration, and climate change.

Firstly, foreign aid is not merely a gesture of goodwill but a moral imperative rooted in the Christian principles of compassion and solidarity. The Compassion Party understands that the wealth and resources of a nation come with a responsibility to assist those in need. By providing foreign aid, we not only alleviate suffering but also promote stability and foster goodwill on the global stage. This aligns with scripture, as in Matthew 22, Jesus says that loving our neighbors is the second greatest commandment to loving the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and mind. For example, directing aid towards developing nations helps them build stronger economies, healthcare systems, and educational opportunities, contributing to a more equitable world. Giving aid to countries in need also helps us to develop positive relations with other countries that are beneficial for both trade and military support. 

Secondly, immigration policies must reflect our values of equality and fairness while recognizing the contributions of immigrants to our society. The Compassion Party advocates for comprehensive immigration reform that provides a pathway to citizenship for undocumented individuals, respects human rights and promotes family reunification. As Christians, we are called to be kind and welcoming towards strangers. That means we must show hospitality and embrace the diversity and richness that immigration brings to our nation. By upholding humane immigration policies, we not only honor our moral obligations but also strengthen our communities and economy through diverse perspectives and talents. We can also look back as the US was a nation built by immigrants, and without a policy that allows for immigration, we would miss out on the many benefits immigration can bring. 

Thirdly, addressing climate change is a crucial aspect of our commitment to compassion and stewardship of God's creation. The Compassion Party recognizes the urgent need for environmental protection and sustainable practices. This includes investing in renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, and supporting international agreements that combat climate change. As responsible stewards of God’s creation, we must protect the planet for future generations, ensuring that anyone, regardless of social or economic status, has access to clean air, water, and a healthy environment. In conclusion, the Compassion Party’s political stance embodies the Christian values of compassion, equality, and stewardship, guiding our approach to foreign aid, immigration, and climate change. As Philippians 2:3-5 reminds us, we are to engage with the culture in a way that puts others above ourselves. By prioritizing the well-being

of individuals, fostering inclusivity, and promoting global cooperation, we aspire to create a more compassionate and fair world. As Christians, we must advocate for policies that reflect love, justice, and solidarity, positively impacting both at home and abroad.

-Keston Edwards and Sander Johnson



