
America faces more problems than ever in this modern day, and almost everyone is left wondering: who is responsible for fixing them? Turns out, it might be everyone. From private citizens, to small and major corporations, and to the State and Federal Governments. The Dossmann/Mollenhour ticket stands with the Perseverance Party, and is prepared to not only use the power of the American Government, but that of the American people, to resolve our most pressing issues today. Including homelessness, immigration, climate/land, and foreign affairs.


While America is one of the wealthiest countries on Earth, there is a massive 650,000 homeless in the United States. While conventional donations and housing projects are noble, they have been proven not to work, But there are many methods to solve this problem, and just implementing a little bit of each can help eliminate homelessness entirely. By limiting states from raising the minimum wage, we will stop companies from being forced to fire employees and hire less, allowing more people to keep their jobs. By securing the border and prohibiting the flow of drugs we can stop substance abuse, which is one of the leading factors in homelessness. And by providing extra funding to medical and mental institutions we can help many who are homeless to recover, or even stop those challenged with mental or physical disabilities from becoming homeless in the first place. We will also increase funding to the VA to help homeless Veterans which account for nearly 6%, or nearly 40,000, of the homeless in the United States.


Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, as well as tens of thousands of pounds of drugs cross our borders every month. This issue has become an embarrassment for America. While many people come to America to attain the American Dream of a better life, with them they bring problems for our own citizens. Fortunately, our solution for this crisis is simple. We will increase funding for land based border security and work with State governments closely to secure the border, as well as increase funding to the US Coast Guard stationed around the border. We will also specifically increase funding for immigration-related matters to the departments mainly involved in immigration and naturalization, to help deal with the backlog of immigrant applications which is at over 2 million cases awaiting court. This plan will not only help tame the drug abuse problems in the US, but will deport hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants within our country.


Soil erosion costs farmers nearly $100 million every year and threatens local ecosystems, food security, and incurs substantial economic costs. By transitioning to no-till farming and promoting regenerative farming practices  which will heal the soil, and decrease the use of Nitrogen and Pesticides. We can mitigate soil erosion, reduce desertification, reduce reliance on harmful chemicals, and stabilize food prices. This approach will safeguard the environment while benefiting farmers and consumers alike. And by saving US tax dollars going to MPG’s we will be able to fund our Homeless and Immigration plans without the need to raise taxes or go further into debt.

Foreign Affairs

Foreign aid hurts local industries and causes the receiving countries to be stuck in aid dependency. We are also reliant on fuel and other materials that come from foreign countries, which includes a staggering 76% of our fuel, which gives them control over the U.S. How often do you see “Made in China" on your food, clothing, and other products?  This takes away from our free market in America. But most importantly it is just colonialism in disguise. 43.4 million acres of American land is owned by foreign countries. One of the top priorities of the Dossmann/Mollenhour ticket will be to prohibit foreign countries from owning American land. Along with that we will work to bring a working mindset back to American citizens and stop relying solely on other countries for necessities. We will also ensure our military equipment from being funded and built with foreign money and parts. The Dossmann/Mollenhour ticket stands with the statement that we should be faithfully present in foreign affairs. But America must be careful of how and when it provides aid to foreign countries, and how dependent it is of foreign countries.

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