Anna Reynolds

Slogan: Abiding and Becoming

Hey, everybody! My name is Anna Reynolds, and I hail from Almost Heaven, West Virginia! I love the natural beauty of my state and its genuine, joyful people! Being outdoors, writing short stories or poetry, hanging out with friends, and learning new things are among my favorite activities! Ever since I was little, I’ve been homeschooled through Classical Conversations, so I always enjoy healthy debates and deep conversations. I have four younger siblings and two dogs- there is never a dull moment at my house! This is my second year in TeenPact, and in that short time it has greatly impacted my life and my faith! I am so thankful for God’s refining work in me through this ministry, including the staff, the students, the vision, the worship, the education, the experiences, and the friendships! I am running for Representative at NatCon this year in the Perseverance Party!

My message, Abiding and Becoming, is based on John 15:1-11. On this side of eternity,

imperfection will be our constant companion. Coming face to face with this imperfection can be crippling, and at times it is tempting to hide from God until we feel presentable. However,

because of the atoning work of Jesus Christ, we don’t need to perfect ourselves to approach

God; rather we must approach God to be perfected. The answer to our imperfection is not to fix ourselves because we can’t, but to abide in God. In our abiding, His goodness will slowly but surely shape us more into His image. It is my hope that as a nation, we will abide in the vine, not in shame, but in hope, looking forward to the day when everything ugly about us will be made beautiful, the dirty clean, and the broken whole.




Kolton Olson


Gillian Tull