Micah Carr

Slogan: Rooted in the Word

Hey y’all, my name's Micah Carr, I'm from Meridian, Mississippi, and I have the privilege to run for representative at NatCon this year. I attended state class as a student for three years and then staffed for the first time this year. I have 3 younger sisters, 1 dog, and 10 goats, and I'm a big fan of Eric Clapton and brownies. I also play the bass. I love the great people who make up TeenPact, the thoroughly excellent program that TeenPact puts on, and the awesome God who makes this all possible. I have a passion for knowing God through His Word, and I am always up for a discussion on what the Bible means and how we should apply it. I hope to get to know each of you as individuals rather than faceless voters, and I'm ready to serve you in any way I can. That includes prayer, answering questions, talking with you about anything you want, helping you out with TeenPact, and listening to your desires for a campaign, message, and party. Win or lose, I want to run this race with excellence for the glory of God.

Vision Statement:
The message I'm promoting through this campaign is Rooted in the Word. God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light for our path. It is our sole authority for faith and life. It is the Great Standard against which all things are measured. It is to progressively transform our hearts, minds, emotions, values, words, and lives as the Spirit moves and convicts. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing our hearts and pruning what is dead and dying so that new life may blossom. Christ himself is The Word, the perfect expression of the Father. Far too often, we speak of worldly things that will fade and pass, but the Word is eternally significant. My challenge is this: Pursuit of a heart that dwells on the Word continually and speech and actions that magnify the Lord by our obedience to His commands.

Link: https://groupme.com/join_group/100470778/y0B1Kgn1


Esther Blake + Garrett Kramer


Melody Van Cleave