Abigail Jordan

Slogan: Fully satisfied

How’s it going? I’m Abigail Jordan and am so excited to be running for your Teenpact representative this year.

I am from the small town of Brookston IN, I’m a senior in high school, and I have 6 wonderful siblings. 

This has been my fifth year in Teenpact and I have absolutely loved it and grown so much through it. I wholeheartedly enjoy playing soccer, running, and doing anything music related. I love to write songs and to play the guitar and ukulele, and my siblings and I plan on releasing an EP in the next couple years! 

Vision statement:

I’m running with a message on Isaiah 55:2 which asks the question of why do we work hard for things that don’t even satisfy?

We live longing for the attention and approval of others and look around us for that, but what we receive is only temporary and will never be enough. It’s easy to want other people’s attention but God calls us to shift our focus to Him. The satisfaction He offers us is real and full, and we don’t have to work for it. My hope for Teenpacters is that we’ll lean more into the satisfaction God offers, by placing our focus on him. Not turning to temporary validation but fixing our eyes on God, knowing that in Him, we are fully satisfied. 

I’m incredibly excited to see you all at NatCon!



Melody Van Cleave