
“We the People,” means that the governing authorities ultimately must serve to protect, preserve, and promote the American people. This is what the Preamble to the Constitution is founded upon.  Without a doubt, the timeless topics of the limitation and role of Government have been long debated far before the establishment of the United States of America. Riddled throughout the world, there have been eras and kingdoms of monarchies, dictatorships, and anarchy. This begs the question, what are the rights of the government? If God, who is the Supreme Authority of order, life, and liberty, and if according to Romans 13:1-2 earthly authorities have been appointed by Him, then governments should continue to have the best intentions of the people in mind. For example, John Locke, a philosopher from the 17th century, advocated for limited government. Locke believed that the government's responsibility was to protect what he referred to as “Natural Rights:” life and liberty as an example.  

The vision party stance believes that the government's intended purpose is similar to John Locke’s, limited, in order to protect our rights of liberty.

The Southerland/Southerland ticket realizes the need for government in order to function in a nation that has boundaries and holds people accountable, along with a government that protects our unalienable rights such as freedom of speech, voting, and other rights. This is why we stand with the Vision Party's stance, quote, “The role of government is to maximize individual liberty and to protect against coercion both foreign and domestic.” We believe that liberty and order go hand in hand; without order there can be no liberty, and with liberty there must be order.

IMMIGRATION: Illegal Immigration has skyrocketed over the years, Pew Research shows that in the month of December of 2023, alone there were 250,000 encounters with illegal migrants.  Regarding limited government in terms of immigration, one responsibility of the government is to protect the people, and in our case, American citizens. This is why the vision party believes that immigration, as a rising issue, needs to go through the process that America has set up for legal immigration. Illegal immigration, other than being illegal, and unsafe, also takes away the rights of the American people. As fought for and protected, our 15th and 19th amendments protect our right to vote. With the amount of illegal immigrants, this has given opportunities for votes in elections in which they are not eligible to vote, affecting and taking away the liberties and rights of American citizens. The Southerland/Southerland ticket believes that the government's role in this is to maximize our individual liberty. “Ours” refers to American citizens, by protecting it and securing the borders. There is a much needed process for legal immigration, one in which we believe best benefits all citizens.

FOREIGN AID: In Romans 13:1(b) the bible clearly states that the governing authorities over us are from God. The Southerland ticket believes that the government's number one responsibility is the people with which God has entrusted them. In the United States, that looks like the U.S. citizens. That is why our ticket believes that the U.S. government's first focus should be our economy. AFP states that we are currently in $34.6 trillion in debt. This has negatively influenced small business, schools, and fue which has infringed upon our liberties. We believe that biblically, as referenced in Song of Solomon 1:6(b) the first priority should be America’s economy and not other nations. 

CLIMATE CHANGE: The vision party believes in the free market aiding this issue. That's why the Southerland ticket takes a stance in encouraging the private sector in subsidizing clean energy corporations and research institutions.

